Every year my husband and I plan one major Harley trip. This year we decided to ride to Indiana & Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Visiting the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter has been a dream of mine for decades. The ride there was rough due to the cool temps and rain, luckily we brought our rain suits with us.
We spent the first day chilling and headed out to The Creation Museum the following day, only about ten minutes from the hotel we were staying at. The museum was the Bible all in one building. There’s a quote in One Night at the Museum on how it brought history to life. This museum brought the Bible to life! I can’t get over how well the exhibits were put together.
Be prepared for hours of walking and reading. It took us 4 hours to get through the museum.
The following day we went to see the Ark Encounter, about 45 minutes from our hotel. We had to travel across the border into Kentucky to see the Ark. From the main building we took a shuttle bus to where the Ark was located. It took us 4 hours to get through the 3 levels of the Ark. Afterwards, we went to Emzara’s Kitchen for lunch which was adjacent to the Ark. Emzara’s Kitchen is an award-winning buffet-style restaurant with quite a variety of dishes. We then visited the small petting zoo on the premises and took the shuttle bus back to the main building. Of course, after all that we had to stop at the local Harley store to get our souvenir t-shirts.

Indiana was a great state to visit. Everyone was so friendly!
Creation Museum
Ark Encounter
The Ark was a marvelous sight to behold! The Ark was built according to the building specs in the Bible. It was breathtaking! I could feel a fear of God just looking at it from afar.
I am so thankful that I got to take this trip. I was so blessed, for a child of God who loves the Word of God this was a dream come true!
I highly recommend taking the trip to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter you won’t be disappointed!