*Ultimate Membership Only*
Starting Monday, December 12th $90.00 sale, nine months of homeschool curriculum. Use code: FRESHSTART23 at checkout to gain access to this class, and more.
Length: 17 weeks
Content type: Video based
Grades: 9-12
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I thought I would share with you about a class I took on schoolhouseteachers.com. The Geography of the Bible is one of those classes that leaves a long lasting impression on your heart. To be able to go to the Holy Land right from home(virtual tour) brought the Bible to life for me. I looked forward to every class. The class material also includes worksheets that follow along with the videos, essays & research projects. It is a very in-depth class.
- Beersheba
- Moses
- Israel’s Three Kings
- Journeying with Jesus in the Holy Land
- Underground Jerusalem
- Capernaum
- Land of the Bible: Galilee
- Jordan
- 7 Churches of Revelation
Excerpt from their page:
The church of Tabgha commemorates what event? Where, exactly, is Beersheba? What portion of Jerusalem is known as the “City of David”? Spend over fourteen hours visiting Old and New Testament lands with Geography of the Bible. Experience the Holy Lands through in-depth video tours. Accompanying worksheets and assignments round out the course for a deeper understanding of how events in these areas shaped our world!
This is an affiliate link. I do make a commission if you buy through the above link.