What’s the Buzz Word Here? Water Color Illustrations!
I have been quite busy these days. I have spent a good portion of my days working on the various writing projects God has assigned. A while back, I took a break from My ABCs & God book and started working on the illustrations for I Am Special. My ABCs & God book consists of digitalized characters. However, for I Am Special God suggested creating the illustrations in watercolor. I have been drawing the illustrations on tracing paper and transferring them to watercolor paper. It is quite the process; however, the use of tracing paper has been a time saver as well as improved consistency with my illustrations. I have been taking art classes with Jules to help me with this endeavor. The picture of the boy was an assignment from her Draw Children Three Ways class.

I am in the final editing process of Maintaining Balance With a Power of Attorney, which I hope to have published this month. This book has taken much time due to trial and error with the formatting. Maintaining Balance With a Power of Attorney is a two book series. The one book is written to the Agent and the other to the Principal.
I have been working on my Women’s Bible Study – God’s Jewels, 12 Inspirational Women From the Bible. I have been working on the life of Esther and Deborah.
On January 1st, God spoke to me about resting on Sundays, which has been rewarding. God fills my cup every Sunday with new ideas for the following week. I have to say it has not been easy for I love to create, whether it be writing, drawing, or designing my peg people. However, if God had to rest after creating the world for six days, then maybe I should. 🙂
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Genesis 2:3 KJV